New-to-clinic patients will need records from a previous care provider reflecting the diagnosis related to their cannabis use
Medical Records Include
- A paper record, CD, fax, or email from a previous doctor, hospital, health clinic, lab test, chiropractor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, dentist, orthodontist, optometrist, massage therapist, physical therapist, mental health professional, addiction counselor, social worker, or other health care service
- A pill bottle or other packaging with your name from a prescription medication you’re taking now or have taken in the past. For patients seeking to quit prescription drugs, an unfilled prescription written for you
- A deformity or scar on your body from an illness, injury, surgery, or medical procedure (We call these “permanent medical records”.)
- A previous Medical Cannabis card or Provider’s Certification from a different clinic.*
All Patients Must Have
Valid Email Address
- Physical Address
- Phone Number
- Social Security Number
(required by the registry) - CO Driver License or CO State ID
(required by the registry)
*Patients that have already held a medical card will still need a previous record.